The Groupon Reach Network, launched in Q4 2018, is the collaboration of Groupon Coupons, vouchercloud and Giftcloud, along with our white label partners. Supported by Mumsnet and the Irish Independent; the Groupon Reach Network is the ultimate shopper destination.
As one of the industry’s largest players, the Groupon Reach Network gives you access to more customers, an unrivalled reach, streamlined account management and improved campaign performance – all through a single, unified approach. The perfect solution for brands who want to incentivise a purchase, whether that be via a traditional discount, or using Giftcloud; offering a digital gift card to your offer as the ultimate value add.
As one of the industry’s largest players, the Groupon Reach Network gives you access to more customers, an unrivalled reach, streamlined account management and improved campaign performance – all through a single, unified approach. The perfect solution for brands who want to incentivise a purchase, whether that be via a traditional discount, or using Giftcloud; offering a digital gift card to your offer as the ultimate value add.